Friday, February 1, 2008

What to do with....

I don't know about anyone else, but sometimes when it is time to cook dinner you are in such a hurry or it is time to go to the store so you only have this or that. Lately that seems to be happening a lot, so here are some dinner ideas with odds and ends. Maybe this is nothing new to anybody, but I thought I would post this anyway.

Canned Chili with or without beans
(at our house I make it two different ways one batch with beans and one batch without beans)

1 can chili
1/2 can stewed tomatoes
brown sugar to taste
sour cream

heat chili, stewed tomatoes, and brown sugar
once those are heated layer your plate with your likeings (each person at my house likes it different). This is how I perfer it chips, chili mixture, cheese then heat to melt the cheese, lettuce, salsa, ranch, a little sour cream

Enjoy, it is yummy and easy!

Alfrado Packet
(you get it in the gravy section and I just do the store brand, cheap!)

mix as directed to save having to wash to many dishes I just mix it in same pan once my noodles have been cooked and drained

It is yummy adding tomatoes in it or having fruit on the side! Easy and everyone seems to love (yeah no fights with the kids eating dinner!)

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